Problem with overflow-x and overflow-y in css


Viewed 966 times


Good afternoon, all right?

I need a table to scroll on the x-axis if the table width is larger than the container width. If I do this, it will work:

overflow-x: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;

But I need the overflow-y to be Visible, because at the end of the table there is a select, and when I open select it appears cut.

If I put:

overflow-y: visible;

It puts a scroll vertically too.

If anyone has any light, I’d appreciate it.

  • 1

    Hello! I tested on Jsfiddle what you want to do, and it worked. In case I’m wrong, please clarify your question further.

  • Hello, all right? Sorry, I forgot to clarify some things... I’m using the Chosen select. The default select works normally even, since Chosen does not work.

  • Here’s an example of my doubt Jsfiddle

  • That’s the closest I’ve come so far, take a look Jsfiddle @Lioo

  • Okay, I’ve seen your code and you’re doing exactly what you want, right? You’re not cutting the select. If it’s not that, what do you want to do?

  • That’s right, but then he doesn’t respect the side scroll, that I needed :/

  • Ah, so you want the select do not accompany the side scroll, is that it? That disappear from the screen after scroll?

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1 answer


If that’s what I understand, you wish select do not follow the side scroll.

In your case, you can do this by removing the position: absolute; of the style of select.

.wrapper {
  /* colocar tudo dentro de um wrapper*/
  position: relative; /* com posicionamento relativo */
  position: static; /* Adicionar position static no container com overflow */
  border:1px solid black;

table {
  width: 2000px; /* adicionar uma largura para mostrar o scroll no eixo x */

#select1_chosen {
  /* o chosen cria um #id-do-elemento_chosen */
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div class="wrapper">
  <div id="container1">


      <select name="" id="select1">
          <option value="option 1">Op 1</option>
          <option value="option 2">Op 2</option>

Jsfiddle: Example here

  • But then it causes the scroll vertically, and that was the initial problem.

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