Redirect login screen (HTML5/PHP)


Viewed 171 times


How do I redirect the login screen where there will be 3 types of user:

1-Admin 2-Employee 3-Client

And each one will be redirected to different pages.

  • 3

    assign a hidden field, for example: cod_type_user. So when you send the POST, the file will make an IF or a switch.... and depending on the result, already send to the correct page

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1 answer


You can use the PHP header

    header('Location: url/do/admin.php');
}else if($tipoUsuario=='usuario'){
    header('Location: url/do/usuario.php');
}else if($tipoUsuario=='cliente'){
    header('Location: url/do/cliente.php');

That’s what you need?

  • That’s right Neuber Oliveira, thank you very much.

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