Error when publishing app to Google Play


Viewed 4,049 times


I’m trying to post the Apk, but get this error message

    O envio falhou
Você fez o upload de um APK depurável. Por razões de segurança, desative a depuração antes de publicá-lo no Google Play. Saiba mais sobre APKs depuráveis..
Use um nome de pacote diferente. "com.example" é restrito.
  • You have to compile your app in release mode, and change the package name if you start with.example, I also recommend using proguard in your app. I don’t know if it’s mandatory to create another certificate too to sign your app.

  • brother, I tried renaming, but from the error in everything, know a way how I can change the package name.

  • Do not need to rename the package, just generate a signed apk, in release mode, where you generate a key for it, you can not upload a debug app to playstore, a read on this link:

  • Enter your manifest in the question please.

1 answer


Google Play does not accept a debugging version of your file .apk . You can only send one .apk compiled as release version. In addition, it must be signed with the Android developer key. Be sure to distribute a file .apk which is its signed version, as described here in documentation android:

For generating your debug key that would be something like:

$keytool -list -v -keystore debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android 
  • Keystore name: "debug.Keystore"
  • Keystore password: "android"
  • Key alias: "androiddebugkey"
  • Key password: "android"
  • CN: "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US"

By generating your release key would be changed to:

$keytool -list -v -keystore "c:\minhachave.keystore" -alias minhachave -storepass android 

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