I’m having problems solving the images that comes inside the carousel, have to set a pattern by css or javascript ? follow the images
follows my aspx code:
<div id="paginas">
<div class="sliderFrame">
<div id="slider">
<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="phFotos"></asp:PlaceHolder>
*BS put * because it did not load tags
public partial class ImovelDetalhe : System.Web.UI.Page
private ImovelBo _imovelBo;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
private void carregarInformacoes()
int codigoImovel = 0;
Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["CodImovel"], out codigoImovel);
_imovelBo = new ImovelBo();
var imovel = _imovelBo.ObterDetalhe(codigoImovel);
if (imovel != null)
lblDescricao.Text = imovel.Descricao;
lblOperacao.Text = imovel.Operacao;
lblCidade.Text = imovel.Cidade;
lblLocalizacao.Text = imovel.Localizacao;
lblTipoImovel.Text = imovel.Tipo;
lblQtDormitorios.Text = imovel.QntDormitorio.ToString();
lblValor.Text = imovel.Valor.ToString("#,##0.00");
if (imovel.Fotos != null)
foreach (var item in imovel.Fotos)
Image foto = new Image();
foto.Width = 700;
foto.Height = 306;
foto.ImageUrl = item;
*I set the sizes here just so didn’t work out
wanted to leave more or less like this :
from now on thank
Hello André, you applied width/height and still nothing happened? Is that it? You want to expand the photo as in the second image?
– rodrigorf
I did the test with the same code and the image resized without problem, please make sure that the external Divs to the placeholder are not influencing. C# code works. Ta with CSS adjustment face. :)
– rodrigorf
So I applied width and height and even then there was no effect has photos that fits perfectly in the slideshow and other that are very applied ... and the css already made the changes and there was no effect
– André Felipe Jardim Firmo
Could I have access to the images you use to test and html/css? For me to test the example more faithfully.
– rodrigorf
Rodrigo, I managed to solve this problem add a Hendler for images, thank you so much for your help
– André Felipe Jardim Firmo
Opa André, glad you found a solution, sometimes just changing the way to solve even kkk. Success in the project!
– rodrigorf
Thank you partner! Good week
– André Felipe Jardim Firmo