Average between timestamp dates


Viewed 758 times


I have 3 dates:

2016-08-17 12:29:01
2016-08-17 12:34:13
2016-08-17 12:39:26

And I would like to get the average time between them. If there are more than 60 seconds, then in minutes, and the same for hours.

  • The last minus the first divided by the number of dates is equal to the average time between them. Right?

  • I would like to know the average time of the dates. Then it would be add the interval from one date to another, and divide. For example, 2016-08-17 12:39:26 - 2016-08-17 12:34:13 = 00:05:14 and 2016-08-17 12:34:13 - 2016-08-17 12:29:01 = 00:05:12. Therefore (00:05:14 + 00:05:12) / qdteDatas - 1. I think it’s the same, but the variable is qdteDatas, instead of using 2 dates (first and last) @Reginaldorigo

  • You want to do it in a specific language or just using sql?

  • Postgresql @Cleidimarviana

  • I believe that if you have something to cast in milliseconds, do the math average operation, and return the cast to date. If you want, later I record as an answer to see if it works.

  • That’s right. The sum of the time between them is equal to the difference of the time between the first and the last. So there is no mystery.

  • This link can help you a little.

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2 answers


Follows a solution using window functions:

    cadastro.data AS data,
    EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM cadastro.data) - lag(EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM cadastro.data)) OVER (order by cadastro.data) AS intervalo
    ( SELECT unnest( ARRAY[  '2016-08-17 12:29:01'::timestamp, '2016-08-17 12:34:13'::timestamp, '2016-08-17 12:39:26'::timestamp ] ) as data) as cadastro


'2016-08-17 12:29:01';<NULL>
'2016-08-17 12:34:13';312
'2016-08-17 12:39:26';313



  • Whereas dates are found in a table cadastro and a field called data, how would you look ?

  • @Jonathan: SELECT cad.data AS data, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM cad.data) - lag(EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM cad.data)) OVER (order by cad.data) AS intervalo FROM cadastro AS c;

  • Dude, it didn’t work out here. These data refers to the field or alias ? @Lacobus


Subtract the lowest date from the highest and divided by line count - 1:

with cadastro (data) as ( values
    ('2016-08-17 12:29:01'::timestamp),
    ('2016-08-17 12:34:13'),
    ('2016-08-17 12:39:26')
select (max(data) - min(data)) / (count(*) - 1) as média
from cadastro

The result is like intervalo

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