Error Zend Servicemanager Exception Servicenotfoundexception


Viewed 215 times


Have you seen the error below, when you put the web app on the Digital Ocean server?

An error occurred During Execution; Please Try Again later.

Additional information:

Zend Servicemanager Exception Servicenotfoundexception

File: /var/www/ Message: Zend Mvc Controller Controllermanager::createFromInvokable: failed retrieving "websitecontrolleriteracaousuario(alias: Website Controller Iteracaousuario)" via invokable class "Website Controller Iteracaousuariocontroller"; class does not exist

Stack trace:

#0 /var/www/ Zend Servicemanager Abstractpluginmanager->createFromInvokable('websitecontroll...', 'Website Control...')

#1 /var/www/ Zend Servicemanager Servicemanager->doCreate('Website Control...', 'websitecontroll...')

#2 /var/www/ Zend Servicemanager Servicemanager->create(Array)

#3 /var/www/ Zend Servicemanager Servicemanager->get('Website Control...', false)

#4 /var/www/ Zend Servicemanager Abstractpluginmanager->get('Website Control...', Array, false)

#5 /var/www/ Zend Mvc Controller Controllermanager->get('Website Control...')

#6 [Internal Function]: Zend Mvc Dispatchlistener->onDispatch(Object(Zend Mvc Mvcevent))

#7 /var/www/ call_user_func(Array, Object(Zend Mvc Mvcevent))

#8 /var/www/ Zend Eventmanager Eventmanager->triggerListeners('Dispatch', Object(Zend Mvc Mvcevent), Object(Closure))

#9 /var/www/ Zend Eventmanager Eventmanager->Trigger('Dispatch', Object(Zend Mvc Mvcevent), Object(Closure))

#10 /var/www/ Zend Mvc Application->run()

#11 {main}

  • 3

    How did you post this application there? Did you use Poser? Filezilla? Git? Please give more information. You can edit your question if necessary

  • Hello @Wallacemaxters good morning, my dev used Bitckbucket, he climbed this app that was ok to Digital Ocean’s Linux server and gave this same error in 3 pages.

  • Do you know if he spun the composer update after uploading this app? If it is using git, it is likely that the folder vendor did not "go up" because we developers do not usually put it in the repository.

  • 1

    Carla, I’m going to format this "trace" of php there, because it’s kind of hard to understand

  • @Wallacemaxters I’ll check with him and come back later with the answer, thank you

  • Another thing. Check if he developed the system on Windows and then switched to Linux. Because I’m noticing that the name websitecontroller is all lower case, but in Linux operating systems, there is difference in case or lower case sensitivity for folder names. This may generate "folder not found errors"

  • Ah @Wallacemaxters he did from the beginning on Linux.

  • @Wallacemaxters dev used yes Poser and git

  • If you need to talk to me at Hangouts, you can talk to me at [email protected]

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