Where do the HTML form data go?


Viewed 78 times


On sites with registration, such as Facebook, where the data go when you complete the registration?

And when you log into the site, it recognizes whether you have an account or not?

3 answers


In general terms, the following happens::

  1. The form is sent to the server at the address indicated in the attribute action of <form>.

  2. A program receives the data in the server environment - in PHP, C#, Java, Python, Ruby, anyway, it can be almost any language.

  3. The program decides what to do with this data. Usually save to a database (for example, in a new register), or compare to existing data in the database (for example, in a login procedure).


When you register at social network Facebook, the form data is sent to several servers of the company, thus making the persistence of user and business data.

When you log in to the site, you have a whole system that uses several programming languages (Python, Javascript, Ruby, PHP, C#, Java, etc.) for validation of the data entered in the fields. There’s a little guy called Database which are stored data of all users. Thus, when you enter your information, it is checked whether you already exist within this database.

Take a look here in that article which will teach you how to develop your first HTML form.


The form data is sent to a computer that we normally call "server".

Data processing is done inside this server. in the case of a registration, the data are saved in a database (Mysql, Postgre, Oracle, MSSQL Server, among others).

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In the case of login, the same process is carried out with the difference that on the server the data sent will be used to compare with existing data. If it exists and matches the given password, the authentication is released. Otherwise, it is denied.

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