How to map an html page in Spring MVC


Viewed 809 times


I have a Spring MVC project that will provide the Rest service to the front-end.
But when creating a page . html the project does not recognize it and always from 404. Is there any configuration I should do for spring mvc to recognize . html?

Servlet-context.xml file:

    <beans:property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/views/" />
    <beans:property name="suffix" value=".jsp" /> /*ja mudei para .html mas não funcionou*/

And the web.xml file:



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1 answer


No use adding the . html extension in the InternalResourceViewResolver of Spring, as it is used to render files that need rendering Engines as is the case with JSP, in which case the configuration you need to add is this :

<mvc:resources mapping="/meusArquivosAssets/**" location="/meusArquivosAssets/" />

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