Guys I’m using a lib called venobox on a site, but it does not native the Swipe that is the sliding of the image aside to pass it or back and I tried to implement the lib Touchswipe-Jquery-Plugin but it does not work on the images works on div but not on the images, follow my code:
<div id="hover-bg">
<a class="venobox" data-gall="placas" href="fotos/fotos/10f218859743e9bc947c81570c1066f1.jpg" title="TEXTO DA IMAGEM">
<div class="hover-text">
<p class="lead">Placas
<br />e Fachadas</p>
<div class="hline"></div>
<img src="img/portfolio/01.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="...">
<a class="venobox" data-gall="placas" href="fotos/fotos/af62036784528f8773a96bd71b5557b3.jpg" title="TEXTO DA IMAGEM"></a>
<a class="venobox" data-gall="placas" href="fotos/fotos/cfd8447feaa62c6dcc6cbc1ec4426934.jpg" title="TEXTO DA IMAGEM"></a>
<a class="venobox" data-gall="placas" href="fotos/fotos/d6a7f824cf38c0a9d04493f394454300.jpg" title="TEXTO DA IMAGEM"></a>
<a class="venobox" data-gall="placas" href="fotos/fotos/4d801e94fd84df663485178959bf6783.jpg" title="TEXTO DA IMAGEM"></a>
<script id='code_1'>
// Aqui deve funcionar o swipe das imagens
//Generic swipe handler for all directions
swipe: function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData) {
if (direction == "left") {
// Preciso chamar o metodo de passar a foto
// no arquivo galeria/js/venobox.min.js
alert("Próxima foto");
} else if (direction == "right") {
// Preciso chamar o metodo de voltar a foto
// no arquivo galeria/js/venobox.min.js
alert("Foto Anterior");
someone can help me??