Attack svg image with css and include php


Viewed 495 times


I cannot attack the properties of the SVG image with include php. Is there another method? Therefore, I need to call the bank images dynamically through include(). Here is a functional example, when the svg image is in its pure code on the page in question.

    #produto > svg > g{ 
      fill: #fff;
        <div id="produto">

I wish it worked this way:

    #produto > svg > g{ 
      fill: #fff;
        <div id="produto">
            <?php include('image/my-img.svg');?>

I tried the methods of inclusion of images in sgv ( embed, Object) and was unsuccessful.

  • what exactly is in that file . svg?

  • is an array, exported in svg image, with tags, svg, g and path, which attribute css properties

  • as you did when you tried to <object>? something like this doesn’t work? <object data="<?php include('image/my-img.svg');?>" type="image/svg+xml" id="id_qualquer" />

  • No effect, just nothing appears, as in <?php include('image/my-img.svg');?>

  • the file path is correct? test this: <?php echo file_exists('image/my-img.svg')? 'ok': 'ng';?>

  • I tested and gave ok! I think include php simply doesn’t recognize the . svg extension...

  • the extension does not have to do.. can be a . exe that php normally includes the content. Have you tried seeing the result by the browser source code.. in Chrome , run the php page normally and then press CTRL+U. Probably you will find the <svg> in the code

  • by source code does not appear svg, similarly in front-end, the page code stops at include and does not display anything from then on...

  • A fatal type error is occurring. Check the log and error view options to mitigate the actual problem. This can help you set up:

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1 answer


For you to import the image svg and have access to their respective tags you can use the following code:

<?php echo file_get_contents("kiwi.svg"); ?>

So you can reference the elements SVG by means of a style sheet file CSS.

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