Use Date Field in Java with Mysql


Viewed 527 times


I’m having a little problem, I’m running a test using the data(Date) field in Java, and I’m having problems running. Below are the codes I’m using: 1º o Code to create table in Mysql

Create table clientes (
cli_nome Varchar(200),
cli_dt_inclusao Date,
cli_endereco Varchar(200),
cli_bairro Varchar(80),
cli_email Varchar(200),
cli_tel Varchar(15),
cli_cidade Varchar(200),
cli_uf Varchar(2), Primary Key (cli_id)) ENGINE = MyISAM;

2nd Class clienteDAL

public class clienteDAL extends conexaoMySQL {
public void incluirCliente(clienteDTO cliente) throws Exception
    //Prepara a conexão com o MySQL
    sql = "INSERT INTO clientes (cli_id, cli_nome, cli_dt_inclusao, cli_endereco, cli_bairro, cli_email, cli_tel, cli_cidade, cli_uf) VALUES (null, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
    ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
    //Busca os valores da classe clientesDTO
    ps.setLong(1, cliente.getCli_id());
    ps.setString(2, cliente.getCli_nome());
    ps.setDate(3, (java.sql.Date) cliente.getCli_dt_inclusao());
    ps.setString(4, cliente.getCli_endereco());
    ps.setString(5, cliente.getCli_bairro());
    ps.setString(6, cliente.getCli_email());
    ps.setString(7, cliente.getCli_tel());
    ps.setString(8, cliente.getCli_cidade());
    ps.setString(8, cliente.getCli_uf());

3rd Class clienteDTO

public class clienteDTO {
    private long cli_id;
    private String cli_nome;
    private Date cli_dt_inclusao;
    private String cli_endereco;
    private String cli_bairro;
    private String cli_email;
    private String cli_tel;
    private String cli_cidade;
    private String cli_uf;

    public long getCli_id()
        return cli_id;
    public void setCli_id(int cli_id)
        this.cli_id = cli_id;

    public String getCli_nome()
        return cli_nome;
    public void setCli_nome(String cli_nome)
        this.cli_nome = cli_nome;

    public Date getCli_dt_inclusao()
        return this.cli_dt_inclusao;
    public void setCli_dt_inclusao(Date cli_dt_inclusao)
        this.cli_dt_inclusao = cli_dt_inclusao;

    public String getCli_endereco()
        return cli_endereco;
    public void setCli_endereco(String cli_endereco)
        this.cli_endereco = cli_endereco;

    public String getCli_bairro()
        return cli_bairro;
    public void setCli_bairro(String cli_bairro)
        this.cli_bairro = cli_bairro;

    public String getCli_email()
        return cli_email;
    public void setCli_email(String cli_email)
        this.cli_email = cli_email;

    public String getCli_tel()
        return cli_tel;
    public void setCli_tel(String cli_tel)
        this.cli_tel = cli_tel;

    public String getCli_cidade()
        return cli_cidade;
    public void setCli_cidade(String cli_cidade)
        this.cli_cidade = cli_cidade;

    public String getCli_uf()
        return cli_uf;
    public void setCli_uf(String cli_uf)
        this.cli_uf = cli_uf;


4th Test Class to Include

public class TesteIncluir {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        clienteDTO cliente = new clienteDTO();
        cliente.setCli_dt_inclusao(new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
        cliente.setCli_endereco("Rua Teste, 15");
        cliente.setCli_bairro("Java Norte");
        cliente.setCli_email("[email protected]");
        clienteDAL dal = new clienteDAL();
        System.out.print("Cliente "+cliente.getCli_nome()+" Cadastrado com sucesso!");


When I have the test class run, in Netbeans, it returns the following error:

Exception in thread "main" com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Incorrect date value: 'Teste' for column 'cli_dt_inclusao' at row 1
    at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeInternal(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.execute(
    at br.uniplan.DAL.clienteDAL.incluirCliente(
    at br.uniplan.Testes.TesteIncluir.main(
C:\Users\profe\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\8.1\executor-snippets\run.xml:53: Java returned: 1
FALHA NA CONSTRUÇÃO (tempo total: 0 segundos)

Where am I wrong? Hello, I managed to solve include, my problem is now in the item change, below my method change in DAL class:

public void alterarCliente(clienteDTO cliente) throws Exception
     sql = "UPDATE clientes SET cli_nome = ?, cli_dt_inclusao = ?, cli_endereco = ?, cli_bairro = ?, cli_email = ?, cli_tel = ?, cli_cidade = ?, cli_uf = ? WHERE cli_id = ?";
     ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
     ps.setLong(1, cliente.getCli_id());
     ps.setString(2, cliente.getCli_nome());
     ps.setDate(3, new java.sql.Date(cliente.getCli_dt_inclusao().getTime()));
     ps.setString(4, cliente.getCli_endereco());
     ps.setString(5, cliente.getCli_bairro());
     ps.setString(6, cliente.getCli_email());
     ps.setString(7, cliente.getCli_tel());
     ps.setString(8, cliente.getCli_cidade());
     ps.setString(9, cliente.getCli_uf());

Test class to Change as below:

package br.uniplan.Testes;

public class Testealterarcliente { public Static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { client DTO client = new clientDTO(); setCli_id(2) client; client.setCli_name("Test"); client.setCli_dt_inclusion(new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); setCli_addressco("Test Street, 77"); setCli_neighborhood client("South Java"); client.setCli_email("[email protected]"); client.setCli_tel("88888888"); setCli_city client("Java 8"); setCli_uf client ("J8"); clientDAL dal = new clientDAL(); dal.alterarCliente(client); System.out.println("Client " + client.getCli_name() + " Successfully changed!"); } }

When I have it executed there is no error, but it does not change the table. Where can I be missing?

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1 answer


You are missing in the parameters of Query SQL, each "query" represents a parameter to be set in the Statement, as there is no ? for the Client id so it doesn’t need to be set in your Statement the right thing would be:


INSERT INTO clientes (
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);


ps.setString(1, cliente.getCli_nome());
ps.setObject(2, cliente.getCli_dt_inclusao());
ps.setString(3, cliente.getCli_endereco());
ps.setString(4, cliente.getCli_bairro());
ps.setString(5, cliente.getCli_email());
ps.setString(6, cliente.getCli_tel());
ps.setString(7, cliente.getCli_cidade());
ps.setString(8, cliente.getCli_uf());
  • Good morning, dear José Anderson, very grateful, that was it, solved the problem.

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