Optimize select PHP+Mysql loading


Viewed 943 times


Hello, I have a form where I need to load two selects receiving from the bank about 13,000 records each. Initially I created a function that loaded the records and printed the HTML code of the option and used it once in each select. As the performance was not satisfactory I divided the function in two so that the query was made only once but even so when it arrives in the part that should render the select there is a delay of approximately 8s for each and this in the localhost, the server must be even greater. I would like someone to guide me on how to optimize the loading of this page. I thank you. Follow the codes:

I put the form in the Pastebin for better viewing and removed from the form the back to the selects mentioned: cadastra_game.php


//Lista todos os times
function lista_times()
    $link = conectar();

    $query = "SELECT tb_time.id as id_time, tb_time.nome_time, tb_campeonato.nome_camp
              FROM tb_campeonato, tb_time
              WHERE tb_time.tb_campeonato_id = tb_campeonato.id";

    $result = mysqli_query($link, $query) or die(print_r(mysqli_error()));

    //return $result;


    $registro = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);

    return $registro;


//Preenche o select com todos os times
function preenche_time_combo($registro)
    while ($registro) {
        if($registro['nome_camp'] != $header_atual){
            if($header_atual != ""){
                echo "</optgroup>";

            echo "<optgroup label='".$registro['nome_camp']."'>";
            $header_atual = $registro['nome_camp'];

        echo "<option value='" . $registro['id_time'] . "'>" . $registro['nome_time'] . "</option>";

    echo "</optgroup>";
  • You want to display the 13,000 records in HTML?

  • It’s a list of every team in the world. I thought about charging teams based on the championship but will have occasions that the championship to which the team belongs has to be disregarded. Any suggestions?

  • Have to load as little as possible and go searching with ajax as needed, at least this would be the standard approach I see in such a case, but this pq tb know nothing of your screen.

  • There may be two problems for me. The query is taking too long to run, so use cache, put on my.cnf the value query_cache_type = 2 and use SELECT SQL_CACHE .... The other problem is that the loop is taking too long, which I’m not sure, a solution, which I don’t know how efficient, is to use echo json_encode(mysqli_fetch_all(...)) and then the client (by AJAX) assemble the table. The mysqli_fetch_all in this situation you can eat more RAM than Chrome, be prepared. : P

  • @Inkeliz I’ve never seen speak of this solution. Could you give me an example, please?

  • Unfortunately I could not give an example in the comments, I added as a response and the solution to define a LIMIT.

  • If it suits you, use jQuery server-side Processing datatables... for the amount of records will be fine, and the implementation is easy and the learning curve is great https://datatables.net/examples/data_sources/server_side

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1 answer


I don’t know how efficient that is!

One way would be to use the cache together with the mysqli_fetch_all.

PHP would be like this:

$limite = filter_var($_GET['limit'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) && $_GET['limit'] !== 0 ? $limite : 2147483647;

$query = "SELECT SQL_CACHE tb_time.id as id_time, tb_time.nome_time, tb_campeonato.nome_camp
              FROM tb_campeonato, tb_time
              WHERE tb_time.tb_campeonato_id = tb_campeonato.id
              LIMIT ".$limite;

$result = mysqli_query($link, $query);

echo json_encode(mysqli_fetch_all($result));

Thus the mysqli_fetch_all will loop (not explicit) all data and then the json_encode will deliver the data as is, so who should process the data is the customer.

The Jquery would be:


        $.each(json, function(indice, data){

             $('select').append(new Option(data[1], data[0]));



Jquery in turn can only add the option at the select. You can also limit the amount to be displayed. You can then put an option to load more than X, for example.

High memory RAM usage may occur on the server!

Optimization of MYSQL (I believe more effective)!


Change the my.cnf:

query_cache_type = 2 

Perform as demonstrated:




ADD INDEX tb_campeonato_id        

ALTER TABLE tb_campeonato
ADD INDEX id    

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