How to remove a repeated character in sequence?


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How do I remove repeated characters in sequence with PHP?





2 answers


You can use the preg_replace, an example:

$var = 'Elliiiiiiiiiiizabetth';
$pattern = '/(.)\1+/';
$replace = '$1';
$resultado = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $var);
echo $resultado;



Another example, in a single line, with the same result:

echo preg_replace('/(.)\1+/', '$1', 'Elliiiiiiiiiiizabetth');
  • 1

    If you’re using ' instead of " I see no reason to use \\ , can use '/(.)\1+/' or '/(.*)\1+/'. If you were using " should wear "/(.)\\1+/", with \\ . Either way, both work normally.

  • Inkeliz... grateful for the comment. I’ve adjusted on the question.


Another alternative is:

function unique($palavra){
    $p = str_split($palavra);
    return implode(array_map(function ($c) use ($p) { 
                      return ($c > 0 && $p[$c] == $p[$c - 1] ? '': $p[$c]); 
    }, array_keys($p)));

echo unique("Banana") . "\n";        // Banana
echo unique("Arara") . "\n";         // Arara
echo unique("assassinos") . "\n";    // asasinos
echo unique("Marreco") . "\n";       // Mareco
echo unique("Elllizabettth") . "\n"; // Elizabeth
echo unique("FooBaaar") . "\n";      // FoBar
echo unique("Woow") . "\n";          // Wow
echo unique("baazz") . "\n";         // baz

See demonstração

A second alternative is to walk the string in a loop for and check that the current letter is equal to the previous letter:

function unique2($palavra){
    $ret = "";

    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($palavra); $i++){
        if ($i == 0 || $palavra[$i] != $palavra[$i - 1]) $ret .= $palavra[$i];
    return $ret;

echo unique2("Banana") . "\n";        // Banana
echo unique2("Arara") . "\n";         // Arara
echo unique2("assassinos") . "\n";    // asasinos
echo unique2("Marreco") . "\n";       // Mareco
echo unique2("Elllizabettth") . "\n"; // Elizabeth
echo unique2("FooBaaar") . "\n";      // FoBar
echo unique2("Woow") . "\n";          // Wow
echo unique2("baazz") . "\n";         // baz

See demonstração


Both functions are case-sensitive, that is, differs capital letters and minuscules, to solve this use the function strtolower in both letters that will be compared, or make the comparison using the function strcasecmp.

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