Canvas Draw Tbitmap Multiple Images


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Would you like to capture several images and "join" them all in one without having to save them first, I capture 6 images put one over the other according to the position on the screen and saved in a single image, would anyone have any idea? I’m using Delphi XE7

function Unir(G1, G2, G3: TGraphic): TBitmap;

  Result := TBitmap.Create;
  with Result do
    Width := Screen.Width;
    Height := Screen.Height;
    Canvas.Draw(0, 0, G1);
    Canvas.Draw(80, 90, G2);
    Canvas.Draw(100, 150, G3);

That way I can put together 3 images, but I don’t have a fixed amount of images, because they are variable, so in this case the ideal would be to use a array images. I am trying to use the function below, but it gives error when calling them:

Incompatible type Array and Dynamic Array

function UnirTudo(Imagens : array of TGraphic): TBitmap;
i : Integer;
  Result := TBitmap.Create;
  with Result do
    Width := Screen.Width;
    Height := Screen.Height;
    for i := 0 to Length(Imagens) - 1 do begin
      Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Imagens[i]);
  • 3

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  • Then, I was able to merge the images into a single Function Unite(G1, G2, G3: Tgraphic): Tbitmap; Begin Result := Tbitmap.Create; with Result do Try Width := Screen.Width; Height := Screen.Height; Canvas.Draw(0, 0, G1); Canvas.Draw(Image1.Left, Image1.Top, G2); Canvas.Draw(Image2.Left, Image2.Top, G3); except Freeandnil(Result); raise; end; end;

  • But now I wanted to do this using an array of images Function Unirtudo(Images : array of Tgraphic): Tbitmap; var i : Integer; Begin Result := Tbitmap.Create; with Result do Try Width := Screen.Width; Height := Screen.Height; for i := 0 to Length(Images) - 1 of Begin Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Images[i]); end; except Freeandnil(Result); raise; end; end; I’m not sure how to call this function, gives the following message incompatibles types array and Dynamic array

  • Best to always put the information in the question.

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