THIS object in conflict between jQuery and ECMA6 class


Viewed 57 times


How to resolve the conflict between the this of a jQuery loop performed within a javascript class method (ECMA6)?

Example, the metodoUm loops using jQuery and for each loop iteration, calls the metodoDois passing the object of interaction as a parameter, so there are two this, one referring to the class Teste, and another referencing the element found in each iteration of the method .each.

class Teste{
        $('input').each(function () {
            // $(this) adicionado para referenciar o jQuery

teste = new Teste();

Error presented:

TypeError: this.metodoDois is not a function(...).

How to resolve, or circumvent, this conflict?

Thanks for your help.

  • @Samir Braga, Thanks for the help, indicating to use $(this), but is presenting the error: Typeerror: this.methodDois is not a Function(...).

3 answers


As you are already using ES6, you can make use of Arrow Functions to preserve reference to the this and solve this problem.


$('input').each((i, elemento) => {

The above code would replace the code from within its function metodoUm().

About Arrow Functions

Arrow Functions are a novelty of ES6 that has as advantages a shorter syntax than the conventional function statement, in addition to preserving the value of the this (unlike the standard format).

function () {
    // declaração de função anônima convencional

() => {
    // Arrow Function

You can read more about her here

  • If in the . each location I wanted to use a change or keyup... how would I solve the THIS problem?

  • @Allanandrade The function .on() jQuery always returns a parameter with the event fired. That means you could still pick up the element from where the event went off without using the this jQuery. Example: $('input').on('keyup', (event) => { console.log( // input que sofreu o keyup });.


I believe that in this case the ideal would be to use a variable to store the reference to this class

class Teste{
        var _this = this;
        $('input').each(function () {
            // $(this) adicionado para referenciar o jQuery

teste = new Teste();


You could call your own class Teste(), and for the selection of this inside the loop could use $(this):

class Teste {
  metodoUm() {
    $('input').each(function() {
  metodoDois(t) {
teste = new Teste();
  • thanks for the help, I’m starting with ECMA6... so wouldn’t be creating an instance for each loop item? That wouldn’t compromise performance?

  • @Allanandrade, I’m also starting with ECMA6, rsrs. But I think you’re right, in this case you can use the variable already declared. Since I would not create new instances with each repetition, I would use only one already created. I will update the answer,

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