Refresh defaul or index . aspx page in browser


Viewed 46 times


Hello. I modified the default.aspx page on my website hosting but the browser keeps reading the default.aspx old (which is in its cache). This will probably happen in my clients' browsers. Typing the site address ( loads the page that is cached, but if I add /default.aspx loads the new page, which is on the server. As this is the first page to be loaded, I do not know how to force your update, following some explanations I found here on the site. Thank you.

  • Try deleting the browser cache and test again.

  • I’ve done it but it doesn’t solve it. Only by informing /default.aspx at the end of the url. Thank you.

  • So see if that solves your problem: (I hope).

  • 1

    Since the default.aspx new page is not loaded but the one in the browser cache, how could I call the instructions so that it is not saved in the browser cache in the next accesses? There is also the problem of the clients' browser that already has the old page in cache. Thank you.

  • Err, I think I’d better try switching servers. Do you pay for your site server? If not, try migrating to PHP on a new hosting or create a new website. If I knew ASP could help a lot :|

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