This program is giving Runtime Error on Uri, I would like to know where I am missing


Viewed 1,387 times


 #include <stdio.h>  
 #include <stdlib.h>  
 #include <math.h>  
 #include <string.h>  

 int main(){
     short int numCasos, i = 1, j = 1, soma = 0;
     long long int num;

     scanf("%hd", &numCasos);

     while(i <= numCasos){
         scanf("%lld", &num);

         while(j <= num){
             if(num % j == 0) soma++;


         if(soma == 2) printf("%lld eh primo\n", num);
         else printf("%lld nao eh primo\n", num);

         soma = 0;
         j = 1;

     return 0;

Description of the problem:

In mathematics, a Prime Number is one that can be divided only by 1 (one) and by itself. For example, the number 7 is prime, as it can be divided only by the number 1 and the number 7. Entree

The entry contains several test cases. The first line of the input contains an integer N (1 N 100), indicating the number of test cases of the input. Each of the following lines contains an integer value X (1 < X 107), which may or may not be a prime number. Exit

For each input test case, print the message "X is prime" or "X is not prime", according to the supplied specification.

  • 1

    Where is the variable "num" being incremented? Is it not lost in the second "while"?

  • @Rodrigotognim: the variable "num" is assigned a value with "scanf".

  • 2

    long long is a novelty of C99. Maybe Uri’s compiler is a C89 compiler and gives compilation error (not Runtime error).

  • That was the problem, the long long, the Uri should not accept, I used unsigned long and it worked! Thank you guys!

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