Good afternoon, I need to know if an application written in Delphi is running with administrator privileges or not. Does anyone know any way to get that information?
Good afternoon, I need to know if an application written in Delphi is running with administrator privileges or not. Does anyone know any way to get that information?
Windows has a routine that returns if the user has administrator permissions, you can access it through Unit Shellapi by declaring the external routine in the Unit header as follows:
function IsUserAnAdmin(): BOOL; external shell32;
But she checks the situation of user and not of process as specified in the question.
Yes, from the user who ran the application.
If it is executed with the option "run as administrator" the function returns True.
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Do you have access to the source code ? Do you know what version of Delphi was written ? If the answer to the 2 questions is negative, you want to know if the executable was executed as administrator through the Operating System ?
– Victor Tadashi
I’m writing the code... kkkkk
– André Angelucci
I need to release a system functionality only when it runs as an administrator.
– André Angelucci
Man, I confess I’ve had to do this before, but I never found a "right" way. Every time I did a treatment to try to do what I needed to do, and if I couldn’t, I took care of the exception. I can suggest a case where I needed to create a registry in windows if you want.
– Victor Tadashi
That’s exactly what I need, to release a setting that writes to the Windows registry when it has administrator privileges. I am doing it this way, I try to recover what I have in regedit when I open the application and if there is an exception, block the configuration. Is there any other way?
– André Angelucci
Help? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6261865/looking-for-delphi-7-code-to-detect-if-a-program-is-started-with-administrator-r
– Victor T.
It worked!!!! It worked with the external routine Function Isuseranadmin(): BOOL; External shell32; windows. Thank you @Victort.
– André Angelucci
@Victort., Put the link example as a response, just so we don’t lose the content, and can mark the response as valid
– Victor Tadashi
I’m glad it worked out. Abs
– Victor T.