Configure Kcfinder in Tinymce


Viewed 117 times


Hello, I am using Tinymce as a text field and I need it to be possible to upload images on it, and for that I am using Kcfinder, only the problem is that when I click to upload images, it appears only a blank box: follow Tinymce initialization code (Note: I am programming in angular):

vm.tinymceOptions = {
        resize: false,
        height: 300,
        menubar: false,
        plugins: 'autolink link image preview fullscreen textcolor ',
        toolbar: 'undo, redo | styleselect  | cut, copy, paste | bold, italic, underline, strikethrough | subscript, superscript | alignleft aligncenter alignright | link image | preview, forecolor',
        file_browser_callback: function(field, url, type, win) {
                file: 'app/template/plugin/kcfinder/browse.php?opener=tinymce4&field=' + field + '&type=' + type,
                title: 'KCFinder - Caminho atual: ',
                width: 700,
                height: 400,
                inline: true,
                close_previous: false
            }, {
                window: win,
                input: field
            return false;

And this is what appears when I open the image upload in Tinymce: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


In the Kcfinder settings file, you need to set the full URL for the directory in which the images will be stored.

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