Does not align zeroed value to report c#


Viewed 74 times


I have a report from Crystal Report C# on VS2015. In fields that are decimal when the value is reset the report exits with a blank space after the decimal places.

When it’s not zero: | 100,00|
When it’s zero: | 0,00 |

There’s a blank space when you should be right-sided.

I think this is something of the report manager. I have tried to solve several different ways.

  • You can create a formula, something like "totext(value,"00000,00")". It would be kind of "gross," but it would solve.

  • I did the test, until it works only that when I insert the formula I 'lose' the tab of numerical formatting, then I would have to do the formatting in the text. The rounding feature is very important in this case.

  • Which font you are using and which numerical mask?

  • Source: Courier New, the formatting I use in the Custom Style Number tab, I marked 'Show Values Equal to Zero as: 0.00. I’ve tried 'Use accounting format'.

  • But you can style the result of the formula without any problem. I don’t understand how you could lose.

  • In the 'Common' tab, I put the formula in 'String Sequence', after placing the formula in the Some tab.

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