Map to Unity3d


Viewed 288 times


I am developing an application in Unity3d that resembles the Waze application, but for this I will not be able to use a Google Maps API, for example, Static Maps, because I will need something that is offline and enables me to implement 3D models at certain latitude/longitude.

I will not need such a detailed map, for this project are only necessary the map Iles with streets and blocks, without the need for other information like street name, name of avenues, establishments, residences, etc.

There is something of this kind that I can implement in C#?

  • Dear colleague, in my opinion this question is quite wide for this site. As you can already see, the answer you received only has links to suggestions for tools, and as this site is not a forum (read [Ask] and do the [tour], if not done yet), the type of answer that your question promotes is not ideal content. I suggest trying something (maybe with some of the tools you’ve already been suggested) and editing the question to make the doubt more objective.

  • your question ta more pro Game site

  • @Leandro even agree, but since we don’t have it in Portuguese, it fits right here. The problem of the question is still what Luiz Vieira commented. I closed it, but if it’s edited and there are more details that help answer it, we’ll reopen without problems.

1 answer


It seems there are a few available:

Here is an example of how to use Great Maps, I chose this by having a higher number of downloads which is not indicative of anything.

map.MapProvider = GMap.NET.MapProviders.BingMapProvider.Instance;
GMaps.Instance.Mode = AccessMode.CacheOnly;
map.SetPositionByKeywords("Coldrerio, Switzerland");

var markersOverlay = new GMapOverlay("markers");
var marker = new GMarkerGoogle(new PointLatLng(-25.966688, 32.580528),;

Depending on the chosen Provider the map information is different. For example The Bingprovider I used only has information of the Cities and roads, while the Satelite only allow to see the houses. If you use a Hybrid you can see both at the same time.

Also note that you will need to use the mode Server at least once to have map information available.

  • 1

    It was nice of you to add an example. But, any interested future user will still have serious difficulties. How can this map be used to position something in 3D? Or, how is the return of these calls used within Unity? (Note that these doubts are in the AP question. I I told you before that I find the question broad, but still an answer would need to try to answer at least tangentially to them).

  • @Luizvieira It is a matter of choosing the right Previewer. For example Hybrid providers give information of the houses, while the normal ones do not give.

  • 1

    Well, I still don’t think that answers the questions. But, as I said, it’s not necessarily your fault.

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