How to show the number of views of each page of the site with PHP?


Viewed 2,194 times


In my database in the table paginas I have the fields pagina_1, pagina_2 and pagina_3 representing the three pages of my website.

In these fields I will insert the page views as below.

In the code of my "page one", for example:

   $result = mysql_query( "SELECT pagina_1 FROM paginas" )
      or die ( mysql_error() ); 

   $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result );
   $visualizacoes = $row['pagina_1'];
   $visualizacoes_mais = $visualizacoes + 1;
   $sql = mysql_query( "UPDATE paginas SET pagina_1 ='$visualizacoes_mais' " )
      or die ( mysql_error() );

With this code I get that every time a page is accessed, the views are incremented.

Is it a correct way to record views of each page? I know this is a relative question, but deep down I want to know if there is another way or if it is like this: I will have to create a field for each page that my site has, be it 10, 100 or 1000 pages?

  • As for the Assoc and array, the difference is that with assoc (array associative) Voce uses $row['nomedocampo'], and with array common can only use index: $row[2], for example.

  • Dude, I was here editing to answer your questions, but your questioning has already made me realize that I can actually create a unique table for this regardless of users. In my mind, at first, users entered the subject because it was a restricted access page, so I would add up the views of each user to find the total number.

  • I hesitated to say create two hundred fields because I was already using the page field to handle the number of clicks of a Ubmit input.

  • Anyway, once you get a better view of how you want to do it, edit the question with as many relevant details as possible, which makes it easier for me or another user to help you.

  • Bacco, I posted the question the way I’m doing it.

1 answer


Imagine the following:

You have a relational database, with tables. Tables we relate to rows and columns. Usually more rows than columns, in most cases.

Generally what varies in tables is the number of rows and not columns.

How about using the same system for your case?

pagina          | visitas
pagina_1        | 127
pagina_2        | 17
pagina_3        | 32
home_page       | 56
pagina_4        | 4

Thus, to know the count of visits would suffice this query:

$result = mysqli_query("SELECT visitas FROM paginas WHERE pagina='pagina_1'")
// só não usei binding aqui pelo exemplo ser literal.

And to update the number of visits:

$result = mysqli_query("UPDATE paginas SET visitas=visitas+1 WHERE pagina='pagina_1'")

I think you’ll save yourself a little headache :)

The best thing is that you can put this on require_once( ), and change only one variable.

$pagina = 'pagina_1';
require_once( 'contador.php' ); // em contador.php teriamos a parte do update.

If you prefer, you can simply put a $pagina = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; in the contador.php, and use the URL page relative as identifier.

Then on every page you would have just this line:

require_once( 'contador.php' );

And in the contador.php:

$pagina = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];

$minhaconexao = new mysqli( ... dados da conexao ... );
$stmt = $minhaconexao->stmt_init();
$stmt->prepare('UPDATE paginas SET visitas=visitas+1 WHERE pagina=?');
$stmt->bind_param('s', $pagina);

The only caution in this case is you pre-popular the table with multiple lines, and the path of the pages, in this way:

pagina          | visitas
/               | 0
/sobre.php      | 0
/contatos.php   | 0

and so on.

  • You bet. Better application anyway. Man, I’m not too lazy to research or to try, but for lack of knowledge, there’s no reasoning that solves it. I started studying PHP a few months ago after realizing that HTML and CSS is more structuring, so I know little and MYSQL I know even less, because I haven’t even studied: I’ve been using superficially. That’s why I joined the forum to get help from those who have been doing it for much longer. You serve as real teachers. What I learn from your answers I will use in other situations. Thank you very much.

  • Note that I showed the idea half over the top, there are several details to improve later. Make an effort, but when "curl up", ask :)

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