How to resolve stylization error in Select Option options that appears error in Firefox


Viewed 136 times


In Firefox version 48.0, this giving error in styling the options of Select Option.

Follows the code:

<div class="buscaCodigo">

  <div class="form">
  <br /> <br />
   <h2>Entre abaixo com o código</h2>
   <form action="busca.php" method="post">
     <input type="hidden" name="acao"  value="buscaCodigo" />
     <br /> <br />
     <label>Código</label><input type="text" class="typeTextMedio" id="codigo"  name="codigo" required />
    <input type="submit" value="Pequisar" class="btnPesquisa" />
     <br /> <br />

  <div class="fechar">
    <img src="_img/btn-close.png" style="width:50px;" />


<div class="buscaImovel"><br />
  <h1 class="h1Centralizado">Pesquise pelo imóvel que deseja</h1>

  <div style="height:10px;"></div>

  <div class="divBusca">

  <form action="busca.php"  method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="acao" value="buscaPrincipal">

    <div class="camposBusca">
      <?php  $tiposImoveis = $tiposDao->pesquisaTipos(); ?>
      <select multiple="multiple" id="tipo" name="tipo[]" size="1" required>
        <option value="Indiferente">Indiferente</option>
             if ($tiposImoveis == null) {
                 echo "<option value=''>Não há tipo cadastrado ainda!</option>";
             } else {
               foreach ($tiposImoveis as $tipoImovel) {

                   echo "<option value='".$tipoImovel->getIdTipos()."'>".$tipoImovel->getNome()."</option>";

    <div class="camposBusca">
      <?php  $bairrosImoveis = $imoveisDao->pesquisaBairros("Muriaé"); ?>
      <select multiple="multiple" id="bairro" name="bairro[]" size="1" required>
        <option value="Indiferente">Indiferente</option>
             if ($bairrosImoveis == null) {
                 echo "<option value=''>Não há tipo cadastrado ainda!</option>";
             } else {
               foreach ($bairrosImoveis as $bairrosImovel) {
                   echo "<option value='".$bairrosImovel."'>".$bairrosImovel."</option>";

    <div class="camposBusca">
      <input type="submit" class="btnPesquisa" value="Pesquisar"  />


  <div style="height:15px;"></div>

  <div class="alternativaEscolha">
    <a href="buscaAvancada.php">
      <label class="labelGrande" style="background-color:#CCC; font-weight:bold; color:#000;">Busca Avançada</label>

  <div class="alternativaEscolha"> 
    <!--abrir popUp--> 
        <label class="labelGrande" style="background-color:#CCC; font-weight:bold; color:#000">Busca por Código</label> 


Which in firefox generates the following image: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In Chorme and IE appears correctly,

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

This select that goes wrong in firefox, has its stylized options also wrong. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Whereas in Chrome and IE this styling is correct: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

How to solve this?

  • Pass the site link and I can fix it, or see about Mozilla css

  • not yet published. It would have some code that I could post that would help?

  • I understand, put the example code for me to see from the site, or ... want my skype?!

  • I did better, I put in another lodging I have:

  • What is the version your firefox? here new version this right, it is div care of father without display and son with display, and fix father div .divBusca { display: flex; } and another div son .camposBusca { display: inline-flex; }. If you are using inline-block and use parent block. Let me know and help again.

  • I don’t particularly like jquery-ui, I prefer Select2 or Chosen Maybe this one will look better in firefox

  • firefox 48.0 I use. also giving error

  • reduces the text and fits

  • @Carlosrocha Hum... I’m not saying jquery-ui, it’s CSS. Already tested q passed the code? to reduce the font is beauty.

  • Already tested, gave no same. I understood to be css.

  • Try to use vertical-align: middle.

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