Change Preposition According to State


Viewed 88 times


I have the following situation:

I’m using an IP-based location API

Everything is working perfectly. What I can’t do is change the following:

Hello visitor "from" São Paulo Hello Visitor "from" Rio de Janeiro

You can change this preposition automatically according to the state?

2 answers


Although somewhat archaic, it would work with array:

$uf = "São Paulo";
$preposicoes = array(
    "Rio de Janeiro" => "do",
    "São Paulo" => "de"); // complete com os demais estados

echo "Olá visitante " . $preposicoes[$uf] . " " . $uf . "!";
  • Straight to the point.. Super correct! VLW man, that archaic nothing rs!


An alternative route json worked smoothly here:

                    url: "",
                    context: document.body
                }).done(function(response) {
<script src=""></script>
<p>Olá visitante de <span id="local-visitante"></span></p>

Via PHP also worked ok following the documentation specifications:

    $ip = ""; // the IP address to query
    $query = @unserialize(file_get_contents(''.$ip));
    echo 'Olá visitante de: ' . $query['city'];

I hope I’ve helped.

  • I wasn’t the one who said no, but notice that the user is asking something else, not what you answered...

  • I thought he wanted to exhibit the city dynamically.

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