Generate private certificate APK using Eclipse Android


Viewed 2,392 times


When I click "Run" in the eclipse it generates the APK, sends and installs on Android, but it installs using a Debug certificate, I’m using Google Games Services and it only works if the APK is with a private certificate (the one we created to send to Google Play), and does not work with Debug certificate...

I know it has to export a the project already including the direct private certificate of the eclipse, and I know that gives to install this APK that contains the certificate via adb


./adb -d install -r /diretorio/arquivo.apk

My question is, if it is possible to change this run button, so that when clicked run the same function, but use the private certificate instead of Debug. Has as?

I searched, I saw an answer in the gringo SO, but I couldn’t understand, so I guess there’s a way.

  • Put here the answer link you saw.

1 answer


I use the Android ADT Bundle, but I believe it is the same place if you are using Eclipse with the ADT plugin separately.

Go to the menu ADT (or Eclipse) and then open the Preferences. In the option Android > Build, you can set a new Keystore in the fields custom, as shown in the image.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I try but there’s a mistake... " Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect", but I don’t have a password place, and I’m selecting the same Store that I use in my app via adb

  • @Felipe.rce There is no place to inform the password really, ideally you change to default password which is android while developing or generating another Keystore with the default password.

  • No way to change the password I already use? Or I have to create another store? While searching for this answer I saw a gringo OS guy talking about that after changes like these, Google takes a while to start synchronizing with your APP... Even hours (it seems to me that he was wrong, it is not possible! ), so I’m afraid to create another store and modify in Google Play, because I want to publish soon... It’s my first app (it’s a game)...

  • Here has a way to change the password.

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