Default select Angular


Viewed 487 times


 <select class="ui search dropdown" ng-model="vm.empresa" ng-options=" as item.label for item in vm.collectionData.items track by" required >
   <option value="">Selecione uma Empresa</option>

How do I leave the first item already selected by default?

1 answer


Make a ng-init to select the first element:

<select class="ui search dropdown" ng-init="vm.empresa = vm.collectionData.items[0]" ng-model="vm.empresa" ng-options=" as item.label for item in vm.collectionData.items track by" required >
   <option value="">Selecione uma Empresa</option>

so your model will receive the first item from the list.

  • I tested with your code, and with some variations of it but I did not get the expected result.

  • 2

    This code will only work if vm.collectionData is already loaded when the control initializes.

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