When I install apk it is installing more than once the app


Viewed 642 times


I am using Android Studio, while I run emular to install the apk, during the installation occurs to install more than once the app, getting two icons (two apps). How to solve this?

  • It is not better to uninstall the application via 'ADB'?

  • Just delete the app.

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2 answers


If I understand correctly, when installing . apk, it creates two Apps,

This is because there must be two Activity’s set as MAIN

Check if in your AndroidManifest as Activity’s with the following intent-filter:

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
  • Thanks I managed to solve my problem was this same.... vlw


Run on the terminal:

adb uninstall br.com.seuapp

Then do the deploy normally.

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