How to install Npgsql as a data provider for ADO.NET Entity Framework?


Viewed 566 times


I’ve read everything you can imagine, but I’m out of luck. In Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise update 1, I followed exactly the steps as you describe the tutorial on the page

  • I downloaded and installed: Setup_npgsqlddexprovider;
  • I added the packages to my project

  • I installed the recommended package from npgsql 3.1.6, he also installed Npgsql in the GAC ea machine.config, the EntityFramework6.Npgsql;

  • I installed the packages in the project by nuget:

changed the machine.config in % SystemRoot% \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v4.0.30319 \ CONFIG e% SystemRoot% \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework64 \ v4.0.30319 \ CONFIG para Npgsql versão 3.1.6

But when I go to add entity data ADO.NET, I check model database. I set the connection, test and it returns me success however when returning from the connection window, the Wizard immediately closes.

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