How to add dependencies in build.sbt so that they are available in modules?


Viewed 51 times


I am starting to use SBT for scala projects and would like to create a project like:



would like to know how to build.sbt dependencies so that they are also used in modules.

Thank you for your attention

1 answer


You can define the modules independently in build.sbt as follows:

lazy val module1 = project
    libraryDependencies ++= deps

lazy val module2 = project
    libraryDependencies ++= deps

lazy val module3 = (project in file("modules/module3"))
    libraryDependencies ++= deps

 val deps = List(
    "dependencia1" %% "exemplo" % "X.Y.Z",
    "dependencia2" %% "exemplo" % "X.Y.Z",

In the example above modules are defined including the list of dependencies. modulo3 explicitly defines the path from which sbt searches its main App.

Another way is to define a dependency relationship between modules:

lazy val module2 = project
    libraryDependencies ++= deps

lazy val module3 = (project in file("modules/module3"))

In this case it is not necessary to reset the value libraryDependencies pro module3

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