Developing a BOT for polls with wordpress plugin Polldaddy


Viewed 270 times


I tried to follow:

import requests

dados ={"poll_id" : "9484127",
"answer_id" :"43276282",
"number_of_votes" : "1000"}

url = ""

#while True:, data=dados)

But still not voting and no mistakes!

  • I tested . And it no longer works on python3 or 2 . But to test it would copy it to a file and change the last parameters of the file

1 answer


I believe that the correct use of this module will be:

from vote import vote

poll_id = 9484127
answer_id = 43276282
number_of_votes = 1000

vote(poll_id, answer_id, number_of_votes)
  • There is a vote python library?

  • 2

    @Edmail It does not exist by default but if you press the one you have indicated it will exist. Since it was not declared in Pypi, you will have to manually load and place the "" file in the same directory as your script.

  • I didn’t understand: " will be my program?

  • I am very beginner. Sorry ignorance: I don’t understand: " will be my program?

  • 2

    @Edmail is the module file that you have indicated is hosted on github (

  • 1

    Warning (from warnings module): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-Packages/urllib3/", line 770 Insecurerequestwarning) Insecurerequestwarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding Certificate Verification is strongly advised. Is it possible to correct? Thank you!

  • worked. Thank you very much!

  • I just wish I knew how to get the Warning up!

  • 2

    @Eds To remove the warning you can run the script as follows: python -W ignore

  • thanks. But how "Adding Certificate Verification is strongly advised" to resolve Warning without ignoring it? Is it possible?

  • 2

    @Eds The warning comes from the module itself, you would have to edit the file itself "", I believe.

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