Search mongodb in PHP


Viewed 87 times


I am having trouble returning records through a date filter. I have the following JSON document:

        "_id": "111090485635468_1098582396886267",
        "1098582396886267_1098592810218559": {
            "fb_id": "1098582396886267_1098592810218559",
            "created_time": {
                "date": "2016-07-28 20:32:06.000000",
                "timezone_type": 1,
                "timezone": "+00:00"
            "from": {
                "picture": {
                    "height": 261,
                    "is_silhouette": false,
                    "url": "https:\/\/\/hprofile-ak-xaf1\/v\/t1.0-1\/p148x148\/13179438_970835299696887_7000909019670413123_n.jpg?oh=b4f9ecf8f00f8cb22a02874ec0bc7d96&oe=5815B673&__gda__=1479588815_6a2efe74184209e4b419783f02250c5d",
                    "width": 148
                "name": "Jhonathan Vinicius",
                "id": "1020748971372186"
            "message": "Uma string qualquer...",
            "comment_count": 7,
            "like_count": 11,
            "last_update": "29\/07\/2016 22:36:13"

I need to filter all the records between dates, tried something like:

  $user = $c_users->find(   ['' => [ '$gte'=> "2016-01-29 00:00", '$lt' => "2016-07-30 00:00" ] ]);  

And nothing comes back to me. I’m grateful to anyone who can collaborate!

  • If here [ '$gte' => ... the intention was to pass a value by the variable, change to [ '"{$gte}"' => ... . The same in $lt

  • Can you explain why this document structure? In my view 1098582396886267_1098592810218559 could be an array of objects... that id would be a post?

1 answer


Your reference to the field is wrong. Instead of, use

$user = $c_users
        '' => [
            '$gte'=> '2016-01-29 00:00',
            '$lt' => '2016-07-30 00:00',
  • I don’t know if it’s correct... _id is not an object

  • @gmsantos well noted, corrected the answer.

  • The problem is that this query will only work in this specific case. I see that the problem is lower, in the form that the object is modeled.

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