I wonder if there is a tool to make HTML type manuals easy to update and that could customize 100%.
Thanks in advance!
I wonder if there is a tool to make HTML type manuals easy to update and that could customize 100%.
Thanks in advance!
In addition to the options informed by Lacobus: phpDocumentor or the Doxygen ... there is the Apigen, the phpDox, the phpXRef, the Phpdoctor, the Phpsimpledoc and others.
phpDocumentor has templates. phpdox uses CSS styles that facilitate customization.
I hope I’ve helped!
In addition to the aforementioned doxygen and phpDocumentor.
We can add to the list:
Apiary (paid)
Docco (coffeeScript)
Daux (very good)
Natural Docs
I hope I’ve helped.
Here at the company we are using the Gitbook, great manual tool, using MARKDOWN, references to external pages and files works with versioning. It’s really worth it.
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Manuals for your application? Or are you creating manuals for any product? If this is the first option, phpDocumentor will be your friend.
– Marcelo de Andrade