paintComponent() method deleting images in Jframe


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I need to generate a map according to a txt file that I receive as input. Each font of my txt file corresponds to a type of map terrain. I created arrays of Image that will store the images that I can use for each type of terrain and drawing these images in Jframe. I already checked and the path of the images are correct, but as I call the onPaint() method several times during the execution of the program, the map ends up being deleted. I need to draw the map just once and then move an avatar over it. How do I draw the map, set it up and just redesign the avatar as it moves?

Follows my code:

    public class MapaInterface extends JPanel implements ActionListener {

    BuscaHeuristicaGameOfThrones busca = new BuscaHeuristicaGameOfThrones();
    private Image fundo;
    private Image explosao = new ImageIcon("src/res/exp1.png").getImage();
    private Image agua = new ImageIcon("/src/res/agua.png").getImage();
    public static ArrayList<Image> grama = new ArrayList<>();
    public static ArrayList<Image> terra = new ArrayList<>();
    public static Agente daenerys;
    private Timer timer;
    FileReader arquivo = null;
    BufferedReader leitor;
    String linha = "";

    public MapaInterface() {
        try {
            arquivo = new FileReader("mapaInvertido.txt");
            leitor = new BufferedReader(arquivo);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(MapaInterface.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        ImageIcon referencia = new ImageIcon("src/res/mapaGot2.png");
        fundo = referencia.getImage();
        timer = new Timer(1, this);
        daenerys = new Agente();

    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
        Graphics2D graficos = (Graphics2D) g;
        Random random = new Random();
        int numAleatorio = random.nextInt(23);
        int x = 0, y = 0;
        String tipo = "";
        graficos.drawImage(new ImageIcon("src/res/terrinha.png").getImage(), x,y, this);
        try {
            linha = leitor.readLine();
            StringTokenizer tokenizer;
            while(linha != null){
                tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(linha, ",");
                    tipo = tokenizer.nextToken();
                    if (tipo.equals("T")) {
                        graficos.drawImage(terra.get(numAleatorio), x, y, null);
                    if (tipo.equals("G")) {
                        graficos.drawImage(grama.get(numAleatorio), x, y, null);
                    if (tipo.equals("A")) {
                        graficos.drawImage(agua, x, y, null);
                    x += 16;
                linha = leitor.readLine();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(MapaInterface.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        graficos.drawImage(daenerys.getImagem(), daenerys.getPosicaoMI().getX(), daenerys.getPosicaoMI().getY(), this);
        if (daenerys.chegouDestino == true) {
            graficos.drawImage(explosao, daenerys.getPosicaoMI().getX(), daenerys.getPosicaoMI().getY(), this);
            daenerys.chegouDestino = false;

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        if (daenerys.destinoMuralha == true) {
            if (daenerys.chegouMuralha == false) {
            } else {
        } else {

    public static Agente getDaenerys() {
        return daenerys;

    public static void setDaenerys(Agente daenerys) {
        MapaInterface.daenerys = daenerys;

    public void preencheArrayDeImagens() {
        Image blocoTerra = new ImageIcon("src/res/cogumeloterra.png").getImage();
        blocoTerra = new ImageIcon("src/res/fogueira.png").getImage();
        blocoTerra = new ImageIcon("src/res/tronco.png").getImage();
        blocoTerra = new ImageIcon("src/res/tronco2.png").getImage();

        Image blocoGrama = new ImageIcon("src/res/florbranca.png").getImage();
        blocoGrama = new ImageIcon("src/res/florvermelha.png").getImage();
        blocoGrama = new ImageIcon("src/res/matinho.png").getImage();
        blocoGrama = new ImageIcon("/src/res/cogumelovermelho.png").getImage();

        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            grama.add(new ImageIcon("src/res/graminha.png").getImage());
            terra.add(new ImageIcon("src/res/terrinha.png").getImage());


I did some tests and this way works normally:

graficos.drawImage(terra.get(numAleatorio), 16, y, this);
graficos.drawImage(terra.get(numAleatorio), 32, y, this);
graficos.drawImage(terra.get(numAleatorio), 48, y, this);

Only I can’t do it because the type of terrain depends on the letters in txt

  • Please add the example that is reproducible, so that it is possible to simulate the problem and propose a solution.

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