Access to the shipment file boleto . NET


Viewed 2,514 times


I am using the billet . NET to generate billets in my application.

The ticket is generated, but how do I process the shipment file? This file is saved somewhere in the application?

I took the example of the project that is in Git, but I don’t know how to process the generated shipment file, I don’t even know where it is saved.

String cedente_codigo = "1111111";
String cedente_nossoNumeroBoleto = "22222222";
String cedente_Cnpj = "000.000.000-00";
String cedente_nome = "Nome do Cendete.";
String cedente_agencia = "0000";
String cedente_conta = "00000";
String cedente_digitoConta = "0";

Cedente cedente = new Cedente(cedente_Cnpj, cedente_nome, cedente_agencia, cedente_conta);

// Na carteira 198 o código do Cedente é a conta bancária
cedente.Codigo = "13000";

Boleto boleto = new Boleto(vencimento, valorPagamento, "176", "00000001", cedente,
                           new EspecieDocumento(341, "1")); //banco 341 - Itau

boleto.NumeroDocumento = "00000001";            

boleto.Sacado = new Sacado(cliente.Cnpj, cliente.NomeFantasia);
boleto.Sacado.Endereco.End = cliente.Logradouro;
boleto.Sacado.Endereco.Bairro = cliente.Bairro;
boleto.Sacado.Endereco.Cidade = cliente.Cidade.Nome;
boleto.Sacado.Endereco.CEP = cliente.Cep;
boleto.Sacado.Endereco.UF = cliente.Estado.Sigla;
boletoBancario.GerarArquivoRemessa = true;
boletoBancario.Boleto = boleto;

Boletos boletos = new Boletos();

// geração do arquivo de remessa - Feito com a ajuda de jbueno
var objRemessa = new ArquivoRemessa(TipoArquivo.CNAB400);
var memoryStr = new MemoryStream();

objRemessa.GerarArquivoRemessa("09", new Banco(341), cedente, boletos, memoryStr, 1000);

if (Session["boleto"] != null)
    Session["boleto"] = boletoBancario.MontaHtmlEmbedded();
  • 2

    Hello Raul, welcome to Stack Overflow. Your question does not provide an example of enough code and information for someone to diagnose your problem. Take a look at How to ask a good question? and How to create a Minimum, Complete and Verifiable example in Help Center.

  • objRemessa.Gerararquivoremessa("09", new Bank(341), cedente, boletos, memoryStr, 1000); Which path the file is generated ?

  • @Diego if I’m not mistaken when you declare memoryStr it is possible to determine a path, like: var memoryStr = new Memorystream("C: Pasta_a"). I don’t remember and I don’t work at the company where I did the code. :/

1 answer


You are the one who generates the shipment file, at the time of generating it is set sets the path that will save the file.

See the example of a complete shipment file generation (from Bradesco bank, but the only thing that changes from one bank to another are the fields' business rules).

var objCedente = new Cedente("12345678000155", "TESTE", "1111", "11234", "1");
objCEDENTE.Codigo = "123456";
objCEDENTE.Convenio = 9;

//Instância de Boleto
var objBOLETO = new Boleto();
objBOLETO.EspecieDocumento = new EspecieDocumento(237,"12");
objBOLETO.DataVencimento = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);
objBOLETO.ValorBoleto = 90;
objBOLETO.Carteira ="09";
objBOLETO.NossoNumero = ("00000012345");
objBOLETO.Cedente = objCEDENTE;
objBOLETO.NumeroDocumento = "1234567890";
objBOLETO.DataDocumento = DateTime.Now;
objBOLETO.DataProcessamento = DateTime.Now;
objBOLETO.Sacado = new Sacado("12345678000255", "TESTE SACADO");
objBOLETO.Sacado.Endereco.End = "END SACADO";
objBOLETO.Sacado.Endereco.Bairro = "BAIRRO SACADO";
objBOLETO.Sacado.Endereco.Cidade = "CIDADE SACADO";
objBOLETO.Sacado.Endereco.CEP = "CEP SACADO";
objBOLETO.Sacado.Endereco.UF = "RR";

objBOLETO.PercMulta = 10;
objBOLETO.JurosMora = 5;

Boletos objBOLETOS = new Boletos();

var memoryStr = new MemoryStream();
var objREMESSA = new ArquivoRemessa(TipoArquivo.CNAB400);
objREMESSA.GerarArquivoRemessa("09", new Banco(237), objCEDENTE, objBOLETOS, memoryStr, 1000);
  • Okay, thank you very much. In this example you wrote you didn’t define the place where the boleto is being saved, correct? This location I define in some configuration?

  • jbuneo I tested your code with the project and could not generate the file.

  • I managed to fix the error. Before asking to generate the shipment file, you must validate the ticket.

  • @If the jbueno’s answer answered your question mark it as "accept".

  • I generated the boleto txt (shipment file) from the memory stream reading.

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