I’m having trouble running the upsert on Mongo when I connect to 3 shards on cpp. Now when I connect in just one of the shards I can do the operation. Does anyone have any alternative or knows the reason for this mistake?
ConnectionString cs("mongodb://host:pass@server1:27017,server2:27017,server3:27017", ConnectionString::ConnectionType::SYNC);
DBClientBase *conn = cs.connect( mongo_erro );
BSONObjBuilder bojUpsert;
conn->update("xxx.xxx", Query("{teste:\"1234567890\"}") , bojUpsert.obj() , mongo::UpdateOptions::UpdateOption_Upsert);
terminate called after Throwing an instance of 'Mongo::Userexception' what(): Syncclusterconnection::update upsert query needs _id
I’m using linux Mint, QT 4.8.6 + libmongo-client-dev 0.1.7-1
Why is the "C" tag? From what I’m seeing, your code is in C++ and C++ is different from C
– user5299