How can I take the value of a text and print on the screen


Viewed 46,299 times


I am trying to print a value that was typed by user from a textfield, for example a name field.

But after I get it, I want to print that name.

  • 5

    Print a value where? Console? Alert? Other input field? Try to better formulate your question. If possible, put part of your code that is in doubt.

  • for imprimir you can use a alert('') or place the value inside an html element (such as a text). You can also print on the console (used for development)

2 answers


To get the entered value, you can do as much by javascript as jquery.

Having the input:

<input type="text" id="inputValor" />





By both examples you can get the typed text in the input. I leave Jsfiddle with full example to see:

Example Value Input - fiddle


Whereas the ID of the textfield element is id1:


<input id="id1" type="text"/>


//Obtem o valor do elemento textfield e armazena na variável "valor"
var valor = document.getElementById('id1').value;

//Para imprimir na página

//Para imprimir em um elemento específico
document.getElementById('IdDoElementoEspecifico').innerText = valor

//Para imprimir em um Input Text
document.getElementById('IdDoElementoInputText').value = valor;

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