Recover File Input from Bootstrap File


Viewed 312 times


Is there any difference in the time of recovering the Input File in Bootstrap for common HTML? I’m using the following code:

and retrieving/printing on the other page with echo $fileTamanho = $_FILES['file']['size'];

I have tried both with GET as by POST and gives the same error of

Undefined index: file in...

I use the same code in another project without the bootstrap and it works normally, someone knows what might be happening?

OBS: the other parameters I recover normally, only the input that error.

1 answer


You are defining the enctype as Multipart/form-date to allow file uploading ? Example:

<form action="foo.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="form-horizontal" role="form">

To recover using php can use:

$meuArquivo = $_FILES['arquivo']['name']

Where ['archive'] must be what is inside name="" in the form.

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