Efficient search with phrase and keywords


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I am using the following syntax in SQL for searches:

SELECT * FROM exemplo WHERE MATCH(title,content,tag) AGAINST(?)

Regarding the LIKE I had a better result, but it is not yet 100%.

for testing purposes, I have a title-only record with the other empty fields, so:

seeing car a little dented on the side year 2002

And I do the following search:

I buy car of the year 2002;

But the result is false, what can I do to make the search more efficient and relate as many words as possible of the title even if they are not side by side?

  • By default Mysql uses IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE, try using the IN BOOLEAN MODE. So keep AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE). See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/fulltext-search.html.

  • Keep it up, buddy, but I’ll read it and look it up...

  • I found this article and helped a lot in the result I wanted http://www.hackingwithphp.com/9/3/18/advanced-text-searching-using-full-text-indexes

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