Automate logging into the database


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Hello, I’m developing a system in which I need a list of all the football teams in the world and their respective championships. I have the following structure in my database:

tb_time(id, name, tb_championships)

tb_campeonado(id, affiliation, parents, name)

I found it on the website results with. a great team base but I don’t really know how I could extract such information from the site. I thought of creating a php script where I could establish the name of the championship and the country and then register all teams from a list that belonged to the proper championship but still would require a lot of manual effort. What I’d like to know is if anyone can suggest me a more automated way to do this because as I thought it would be a hell of a job to do in every championship and every country in the world. Thanks in advance.

  • If I’m not mistaken, there is a way to take a database and export to a txt in order to use it in other projects.

  • I think the trickiest part is getting the information from the site.

  • Somebody give me a hand, please!

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