When you receive a notification by Telegram or Facebook Messenger on multiple devices, if you read the message on one of them in the other notification is removed.
How does this happen?
PS: this happens even if the application is not running on mobile.
was bad guy.. strength of habit, nor did I realize what was in the in Portuguese.
– RaphaelGodoi
I’m not a mobile developer, but I believe that apps check in the background/thread every x seconds if the message/action related to that notification has already been seen or performed, if yes, it removes...
– Hércules Moreira
@Herculmoreira: No, this doesn’t make sense, because it happens with different platforms.. android, desktop and Ios.. if you saw in one, in the others it is marked as read.
– RaphaelGodoi
No problem Raphael. I reversed my vote to close
– Anthony Accioly
– PauloHDSousa
No.. This happens even if the app is not running.
– RaphaelGodoi
Can’t send a "push" to remove the previous notification? : S
– Inkeliz