I’m using Python 2.7 to read values from an Excel document. When I have only one row of values with respective header I can read, doing
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook("Resultados.xlsx")
Nod=49 #numero de celulas com dados
for a in range(1,Nod+1):
ph_value.append(sheet1.cell(row=3, column=a).value)
However I have Excel sheets that instead of having a row of data with multiple columns as the previous example, I have several rows with multiple columns, ie an array. In addition to the values I need to associate the respective row and column headers and I can only do for one row, as follows:
for a in range(2,Nod+1):
p_t_a_value.append(sheet6.cell(row=3, column=a).value)
Cycle that takes all values from the line and only counts those that have value, filled cells and their indexes, eliminating those that are blank. These indexes correspond to what happens in each header/header:
for b in range(0,len(p_t_a_value)):
if (p_t_a_value[b]!=None):
How can I take the values for all rows and columns and can have the values and indexes as I did for a single row?