Hello, I’m using a Flexslider to do the listing of page images, but I wonder if there is the option to list the Carousel images vertically, at the moment, they are going through the horizontal.
Follow what I need to do:
You can see that if I run the smaller images through the arrow, they should scroll vertically.
But when I use flex, it lists the smaller images horizontally, follows image:
Has anyone ever needed to do this or has any hint as to how I can get smaller images to limit two and zoom down instead of sideways?
Follow the link of the script I’m using:
Follows code:
vm.flex_interna = function(){
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: false,
direction: "vertical",
slideshow: false,
itemWidth: 210,
itemMargin: 5,
asNavFor: '#slider'
animation: "fade",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: false,
slideshow: false,
sync: "#carousel"
<div class="flex_conteudo">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<div id="carousel" class="flexslider">
<ul class="slides">
<img src="app/template/img/conteudo.png" />
<img src="app/template/img/conteudo.png" />
<img src="app/template/img/conteudo.png" />
<img src="app/template/img/conteudo.png" />
<!-- items mirrored twice, total of 12 -->
<div class="col-lg-6">
<div id="slider" class="flexslider">
<ul class="slides">
<img src="app/template/img/conteudo.png" />
<img src="app/template/img/conteudo.png" />
<img src="app/template/img/conteudo.png" />
<img src="app/template/img/conteudo.png" />
<!-- items mirrored twice, total of 12 -->