Pluing jQuery TE 1.4.0 caught with too much text


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Guys I’m using the plugin, jQuery TE 1.4.0 , For being very simple and easy. He attends me 100%.

However I am having a problem, when I put a very large text that I copy from the world, the plugin simply crashes my browser.

I did some tests here, and noticed that when I glue the same text in the notepad, and remove all the training the plugin does not lock.

Could someone help me?


<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

<textarea name="obs" class="jqte-test"></textarea>

  • I guess there’s not much to do. It happened to me too.

  • I think it is some character in the formatting that makes it hang, because if you take the text and put in a note block, and then put inside the plugin works well.

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