What will be the difference between Zend Framework 3 and Zend Expressive?


Viewed 733 times


Hello Everyone I am with this doubt, in zend framework 2 although its components can be downloaded separately normally I used a ready-made Skeleton available on zend’s own site. In zend framework 3 will you follow the same scheme? Or you will be required to select one by one components (e.g., in Composer). And what a difference to the expressive zend.

1 answer


Zend Framework 3 Skeleton Application

The Zend Framework 3 has a Skeleton Application, which can be installed via Composer:

$ composer create-project -sdev zendframework/skeleton-application path/to/install

During installation, you can choose to minimal (default installation) or select the packages you want (e.g., Zend-DB, Zend-Cache, among others) and how you want to 'inject' the settings into your project files.

Differences between Zend-Framework and Zend-Expressive

The Zend Framework is a collection of more than 60 packages (including Expressive) that can be installed via Composer, and work in an integrated way (as a "full-stack" framework) or in isolation, with the aim of facilitating the development of applications in the Model-View-Controller architecture.

On the other hand, the Zend Expressive is a micro-framework, designed for situations where you do not need a "complete" framework and can have the flexibility to create your own architecture. The main foundations his are:

  1. Exchange of HTTP messages in accordance with PSR-7;
  2. The possibility to create layers of Middleware using the PSR-7;
  3. A mechanism of Routing which can use Aura.Router, Fastroute or Zend-MVC itself;
  4. A mechanism of Dependency Injection and Containers which can use Aura.DI, Pimple or Zend-Servicemanager itself (excellent);
  5. A mechanism of Template that you can use Plates, Twig or Zend-View itself;
  6. And finally, a Error Handler for the treatment of errors.

Zend Expressive Skeleton Application

Zend Expressive also has a Skeleton Application, which can be installed via Composer:

$ composer create-project zendframework/zend-expressive-skeleton path/to/install

Unfortunately I could not publish more than two references (links) due to my low reputation.

Anyway, I hope I helped you! :)

  • 1

    There was no need to apologize, as the main you have already paved. The issue of the Middlewares and PSR was said.

  • 1

    Wow! Thank you so much for explaining! It was kind of hazy due to the two being released practically at the same time it confused me a little bit

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