Convert icone checkbox to icone bootstrap boot


Viewed 688 times


Good evening, it is possible to change the illustration of a checkbox and make it look like a boot?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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        Should be Empty:
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  • Wouldn’t it be better to use one button even?

1 answer


Take a look at this man: Bootstrap Checkbox

The bootstrap checkbox is not that magic you’re thinking about. There are other components that you can use as an alternative to checkbox, but you will have to do different validations as well.

If you want to use the same checkbox, you will have to hide the checkbox input and create this button that you added in image. At the click of the button created, you will make the checkbox validations. You can use the .change() jQuery, which will make your life much easier.


I made an example in my codepen, from a look:

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