Cardview of welcome


Viewed 287 times


I got a welcome cardview. I would like after the first view the user pressed the Ok button, understood and the card left and no longer appears. Cardview de bem vindo

I already put onClick in XML:

            < xmlns:card_view=""


                <include layout="@layout/headline_16dp" />

                <include layout="@layout/supporting_text_24dp" />

                <include layout="@layout/divider" />



2 answers


facin cara... saves a value(1 and 0) as if it were a boleano in sheredPreferences and oncreate Voce adds it if the value is 0 , if it is a Voce draws the rest of the normal screen.

to do so You have to put the xmls apart and add it when it is false (when it is 0 in sheredpreference) and config so that when he clicks the You can call a method in the class of his oncreate (in the Activity that he is) and, this is important kkkkk,when he clicksVoce poe for 1 not to appear anymore.

  • Although the tips to use the sheredPreferences are great, I still prefer and find it simpler to use the local bank (Sqlite)

  • the problem in using the sqlite and that would be depleted, and would spend time doing this, and would lose efficiency, more and an option, and is to like...


As said, you can save this state on SharedPreferences:

Follow an example:

    public static final String IS_SHOW = "IS_SHOW";
    public static final String PREFERENCES = "PREFERENCES";
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   TextView.class.cast(findViewById(  View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                setIsShow(true, getApplicationContext());

        boolean isShow = getIsShow(getApplicationContext());

        cardView.setVisibility(isShow ? View.GONE : View.GONE);


    public boolean getIsShow(final Context mContext){
        //Cria uma instancia do SharedPreferences
        final SharedPreferences prefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences(PREFERENCES, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        return prefs.getBoolean(IS_SHOW, false);

     * Grava as informações do objeto em um SharedPreferences.
     * @param mContext
    public void setIsShow(boolean isShow, final Context mContext){
        //Cria uma instancia do SharedPreferences
        SharedPreferences prefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences(PREFERENCES, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        // Criamos um instancia do editor, para salvamos os dados
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
        // para que sempre atualize, passamos o valor do Sistema.
        editor.putBoolean(IS_SHOW, isShow)
        // Para que as informações sejam atualizadas
  • Eai Thiago. I did by your example what you tell me but is giving an error when I execute. java.lang.Classcastexception: android.widget.Linearlayout cannot be cast to android.widget.Button In my cardview I am working with includes, so I gave the id to relatiive. I edited my question and put the code there. Check there, please.

  • Then the ok_button is a Textview and not a Button ! Try it like this: Textview.class.cast(findViewById( setOnClickListener

  • Got it? Put it there if you have any questions! We’re here to help!

  • I was able to put it in. But it still gives the same error. = (. I did like this: Textview.class.cast(findViewById( setOnClickListener(new View.Onclicklistener() { ....

  • So! you have to respect what is stated in your XML

  • So brother, oh. I’m half layman in Java yet. I just copied your code and put it there. I know it’s not even a method to learn. It’s just that I have a tight deadline to deliver my app. = ( But thanks for the help bro. I’ll give another one studied here.

  • The element that has the id cardView is a Cardview then you’ll have to cast for a Cardview . the Element ok_button is a Textview then the cast is to Textview ! I will correct my answer !

  • Ta blz then bro. If you correct I will take your answer and play there. In case of any error I will search here. Thank you for the expensive strength.

  • Hahaha! I suggest paying attention to the mistakes! They show what we are doing wrong! Good luck there !

  • Blz guy. Suggestion noted. Thanks for the help. Abs.

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