Tryout with Prior, how to catch an Md-button?


Viewed 191 times


I am using Protractor to test a system made in Angularjs and Material, I am having problems with the Locator when I want to take a specific Md-button in a form and run the click(). The button hmtl is this:

<md-card-actions layout="column" layout-align="center center" layout-wrap layout-sm="column">
                ng-disabled="!loginForm.$valid || Login.inProgress"
                class="md-raised lightBlue buttonLogin" 
                aria-label="{{'login.enter' | translate}}"
                    <span translate="login.enter"></span>

            <md-button ng-click="Login.fbLogin()" aria-label="{{'login.loginFacebookLink' | translate}}" class="md-raised md-primary lightBlue">
                <md-icon md-svg-src="icons/facebook_.svg"></md-icon>
                <span translate="login.loginFacebookLink"> </span>

            <md-button class="md-raised md-warn md-hue-2" aria-label="{{'login.forgotPasswordLink' | translate}}" ng-click="Login.buttonCallForgotPassword();">
                <span translate="login.forgotPasswordLink"> </span>

Excerpt from the test code:

var button = element.all(by.css('button.lightBlue')).first();;

I put the first() just to get the first button, but I don’t know if the first button it lists is the login button.

I need to pick up the first button, sometimes an alert saying that there is more than one button and that ran on the first one, however, as I will have to test the three buttons I need to know which one I am using. How do I pick up a specific button when I use Md-button ?

1 answer


Try to use this way:


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