Good night, how are you? I have a question, when to use the constructor and when to use the load of a form to call some method or etc.
public partial class Manutenção_cliente : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm
consulta_bd consulta_bd = new consulta_bd();
cadastro_bd cadastro_bd = new cadastro_bd();
excluir_bd excluir_bd = new excluir_bd();
controles_text control_text = new controles_text();
DataTable cobranca = new DataTable();
DataTable entrega = new DataTable();
public int id_cliente, editar, chek_excluir, chek_new_cli, contador, id_end_cobranca, id_end_entrega;
public Manutenção_cliente(int id)
this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
id_cliente = id;
dateTimePicker1.Enabled = false;
private void lod ()
textBox13.ReadOnly = true;
if (id_cliente != 0)
textBox13.Text = Convert.ToString(id_cliente);
Dictionary<string, string> preenche_cliente = new Dictionary<string, string>();
preenche_cliente = consulta_bd.preenche_cliente(id_cliente);
textBox1.Text = preenche_cliente["razao_social"];
textBox2.Text = preenche_cliente["nome_fantasia"];
comboBox1.Text = preenche_cliente["tipo_doc"];
textBox3.Text = preenche_cliente["n_doc"];
textBox4.Text = preenche_cliente["ie"];
textBox5.Text = preenche_cliente["im"];
textBox6.Text = preenche_cliente["endereco"];
textBox7.Text = preenche_cliente["numero"];
textBox8.Text = preenche_cliente["cep"];
textBox9.Text = preenche_cliente["bairro"];
textBox10.Text = preenche_cliente["cidade"];
textBox11.Text = preenche_cliente["estado"];
textBox12.Text = preenche_cliente["pais"];
textBox14.Text = preenche_cliente["requisitos"];
textBox16.Text = preenche_cliente["email"];
textBox15.Text = preenche_cliente["telefone"];
int bloq = Convert.ToInt16(preenche_cliente["bloqueado"]);
if (bloq == 0)
checkBox1.Checked = false;
checkBox1.Checked = true;
foreach (Control ctl in xtraTabPage1.Controls)
if (ctl is TextEdit)
((TextEdit)(ctl)).ReadOnly = true;
if (ctl is TextBox)
((TextBox)(ctl)).ReadOnly = true;
foreach (Control ctl in xtraTabPage3.Controls)
if (ctl is TextEdit)
((TextEdit)(ctl)).ReadOnly = true;
if (ctl is TextBox)
((TextBox)(ctl)).ReadOnly = true;
int v = consulta_bd.consulta_id_cliente();
contador = v + 1;
textBox13.Text = Convert.ToString(contador);
private void Manutenção_cliente_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Ha perfect friend, I thought it had type definitions, in the constructor and used to declare variables for example. but blz, I got it, and I’m gonna study the case. Thanks
– Thomas Erich Pimentel