I have two tables: Author and Book
where Book has an Author = ManyToManyField
Note the examples with A1 (author one) and L1 (book one), so on.
Author - Book
A1 - L1, L2, L3
A2 - L1
A1 - L3
A1 - L1
A1 - L1
A2 - L2, L3
A1 - L3
I need to do a grouping by taking only the first book from M2M. And return the following count:
L1 = 4
L2 = 1
L3 = 2
Total: 7
I tried to
Author.objects.values('book').annotate(quant=Count('book')).order_by('book').values('book', 'quant')
But it returns me a greater amount of books, since it counts all books of the M2M relation.
How do I pick up only one book of each iteration, to return the desired result?