Textarea Editable lines - Thymeleaf and Angularjs


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I am building a basic document model, taking advantage of the same idea of colleague (Paulo Henrique), only that I enter the data by fields external to the form, in a previous moment of customer search. The difficulty comes from the need to edit this template from the base text of the document, because sometimes it is necessary to report a special situation of the client. When I change the document, insert some new data, I am not able to save this "new" document in the bank. Has anyone ever had a similar project? I tried several alternatives...put the new data all right, the problem is to save the change in the bank.

I’m started with spring + Thymeleaf. And the basic problem is this: I have a page that should work as a master Detail, I have a "document" object, when you click on that precise object that is loaded on the same page another object (List) referenced to it ("document fields")

Let me try to refine the question a little more: I’m using Spirng+Thymeleaf in this project, but the need to use some angular functionality has arisen. The central problem is, after I added the angular, I’m having trouble retrieving the information from the object. The data simply does not appear in the inputs. I used the firefox code inspector for an analysis, and the data is loading into html (input value), but it does not appear to the user. My code is like this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Hello, I can not have a clear idea of what you are facing, however, send the form data and print the generated query to write to the database to understand what is occurring, another point is to check if the name of the form field is equal to the one being recovered.

  • I couldn’t understand the problem ? Do you want to add a field in the form ? Which field ?

  • @Ricardomota, I edited the problem, I hope it was clear.

  • @wilsonrosagomes, I edited the problem, I hope it was clear.

  • I understood, but your problem is in the use of Angularjs, the recovered information is not placed in the value of the field that you could recover is inserted in an html generated by the code itself. Analyze if the CSS(s) class(s) that are in the generated html object does not change, if you should not recover the changes by class name, be sure to check if you are bringing the ID to perform the Update.

  • @Wilsonrosagomes. I reviewed the classes, but I need that, when typing some value in the inputs, these values be passed also to a textarea, ex: input value=xxxxx value of the text area= Ola {{name}} result=Ola xxxxx This is already working, but when I select the object, input values simply do not appear.

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